Aesthetics Skin packs add additional skins that players may choose from along with the default skins included with the game's purchase. Skin packs are available in Bedrock Edition as purchasable content. They often feature characters from other video games, movies, television shows, alongside original designs. Skin packs all have skins related to one another, e.g, a movie skin pack includes characters from only the designated movie. Skin packs are a way to quickly obtain several themed skins at once.
- Update new skin every week.
- New HD Skin(128x128)
- More than 10,000 HD skins.
- Very fast and smooth.
- Apply direct to Minecrafte PE.
- All for FREE
📝 Leave your wishes in the comments, what new skins you would like to see, we will definitely add them every week.
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Please note that this is an unofficial application for Minecraft™ Pocket Edition. This application is in no way affiliated with Mojang AB. Minecraft™, the Minecraft™ trademark, and Minecraft™ assets are the property of Mojang AB or its respected owner. All rights reserved. According to